
Showing posts from November, 2018


MISSION "FUTURE ENERGY" optimizes operating costs for the development of cryptocurrency funds through the use of alternative sources of renewable electricity with a working component 0 PROJECT IDEA OVERVIEW ELECTRICITY COSTS It is no secret that the main cost of cryptocurrency mining is electricity.  This trend will continue due to the development of the cryptocurrency industry and Blockchain. The “ASIC revolution” in the technology used for bitcoin mining is about to end.  The ASIC chip format for mining is approaching the nanometer limit of Moore's law.  For this reason, a substantial future growth in chip production is not possible. This leads to commoditization of chips, which means that they become simple goods in the eyes of the market or consumers and suddenly fall in price.  This will lead to the fact that manufacturers will have to concentrate on mass production in order to profit from the volume, rather than use technological adv


Future Energy will provide its own electricity with a low tariff for the construction of the unit. Immediately after the ICO, 47% of the funds collected will be spent on the construction of power plants and 45% will be purchased for mining equipment and construction of mining modules. The construction of a mining module will require a lot of time less than the construction of a power plant. The ability to token immediately after the ICO, provides the owner's token with the opportunity to place the mining module in our existing mining. tokens for electricity and mining capabilities. During the time of construction of the facility, there will be a low electricity tariff. Benefits of using FGY Tokens -  Buyers of tokens have the right to own ownership indefinitely.  -The Token holder can exchange tokens for electric power leases for a period of 40 years with an operating component of 0. Simultaneously, rent for 40 years, 1 W / h will be 1 FGY token.  -Ecomi


Renewable energy is energy collected from renewable resources that are naturally replenished on human time scales such as sunlight, wind, rain, waves and geothermal heat. Renewable energy often provides energy in four important areas, power plants, air and water heaters or cooling, transportation and rural energy services. Renewable energy resources exist in a broad geographical area, in contrast to other energy sources that are concentrated in a number of countries. The rapid spread of renewable energy and energy efficiency results in significant energy security, climate change mitigation and economic benefits. The results of a recent literature review conclude that as producers of greenhouse gas emissions begin to be responsible for damage caused by emissions resulting in climate change, high value for mitigating obligations will provide strong incentives, for the dissemination of renewable energy technologies. Cryptocurrency mining has begun to take on a new form, the notion


Moozicore is a new music platform that allows users to better control the background music they listen to. A greater level of control ensures that users really listen to the various channels they enjoy. To allow users to have more influence on the music they hear, Moozicore makes connections and enters into contracts with music business owners. While the platform is not yet available, it must be ready for use by the end of 2018. Meanwhile, individuals can stay up to date for platform development. Moozicore's goal is to advance places, for example, bars, restaurants, rec centers, and several different entertainment settings by creating personal, social music meetings for each consumer  Moozicore can definitely develop places, for example, bars, restaurants, training centers, and a number of different entertainment settings by creating social music meetings that are tailored for each consumer. What one of a kind about our administratio