Ripa Exchange is an crypto asset (fiat money or cryptocurrency) marketplace, follow-ing the latest industry standards and resting in the principles of “open source, secure and efficient”. Ripa Exchange aims to serve a platform for crypto-currency enthusiasts by providing a safe, secure, UI responsive, customizable and easy to use exchange that embraces open source principles and public trust.
The project seeks to ensure transparency between the exchange of crypto-currency assets. The main goal of the project is to promote e-wallets and the virtual currency industry. Ripaex seeks to use credentials to provide in-depth data that is consistent with the developers of the exchange. Ripaex provides the opportunity to make the right decisions to ensure the success of the project.
Also Ripaex seeks to analyze the real probable profit that the country takes in exchange for crypto-currency. This is a substitute for a cryptoactive asset for centralized exchange in the stock market.
The Ripa Blockchain
The RipaEx project will have its own blockchain called Ripa which will be run on the DPOS protocol and has the XPX token (P symbol) running on it that will serve the five following purposes:
to list incipient digital forms of mazuma on Ripa Exchanges.
to publicize incipient activities.
to purchase RipaEx contrivance on the RipaEx Store.
to pay for the offer of merchandise and administrations on approved affiliates with our RipaEx POS (Point of Sale).
to apportion liquidity between Ripa Exchanges in a homogeneous system.
Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallets (BIP32)

The structure of the public and private key generation follows the same specification as Bitcoin. A custom implementation of BIP32 for Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets is provided to RIPA users.

Ripa Liquidity Service Provider (RLSP)

The platform will share liquidity through the Ripa Liquidity Service Provider (RLSP) functionality that will create a unified orderbook connecting all the exchanges in the RIPA network guaranteeing high liquidity. This functionality combined with two other innovative Smart Bridge and ACES technologies will be able to make the Ripa exchanges perform cross-chain operations, that is, distinct blockchains will be able to exchange information.
Smart Bridge is a native feature that runs in the core of ARK and for cross-chain operations to be possible, both blockchains need to make a hardfork and add the code to make them compatible with the technology, and Blockchain ARK acts as an intermediary (Listener). Just like ARK, RIPA also has embedded code in its core.
ACES (Ark Contract Execution Services) is what will allow the universalization of Smart Bridge technology because it does not require blockchains to have an embedded code. ACES is an Encoded Listener Node that behaves like a hub using the Smart Bridge to connect two distinct blockchains to a real interoperability.
These technologies are key to making the negotiations fully decentralized and enabling them to realize the benefits of centralized exchange. There will be no more barrier between different blockchains, this opens a new path for crypto coins to fulfill the real purpose for which they were created: security and decentralization.

Bounty campaign will run from 3rd September 2018 - 12:00 UTC to 16th December 2018 - 12:00 UTC (15 weeks).
Note for participants of the first campaign:
  1. the participants of the first campaign were automatic kept registered for the second campaign. if they intend to carry out the same activities as the first campaign, they do not need to be re-registered to the form; if they intend to participate in other campaigns for which they are not registered, it is sufficient to register with the registration form (s) present in the bounty thread
  2. improvements updates have been made to this new campaign, so please read the bounty thread
Bounty pool calculation and distribution:
The stakes are assigned during the week following the delivery of each report form.
The distribution of the Ripa (XPX) coins of the bounty campaign (and thus the conversion of the stakes) will take place after the end of the campaign.
the stake of each type of campaign will be calculated in this way:
1 Stake = ( Bounty pool of the specific campaign / Tot stakes of the specific campaign ) XPX
Distribution of Rewards:
Bitcointalk Signature Campaign: 37.5% of bounty pool - 1,500,000 XPX
Facebook Campaign: 12.5% of bounty pool - 500,000 XPX
Twitter Campaign: 16.25% of bounty pool - 650,000 XPX
Content Creation: 12.5% of total bounty pool - 500,000 XPX
Video Creation: 12.5% of bounty pool - 500,000 XPX
Telegram: 2.0% of bounty pool - 75,000 XPX
Translation and Moderation Campaign: 7.50% of total bounty pool - 300,000 XPX


RipaEx is a long-term project, its development will still go through several stages until reaching its culmination, see below the schedule available in the official ICO page.
  • 2017 — idea conception, analysis
  • 2018 — genesis block creation, private sale, RIPA TEC
  • 2019 — Ripa Exchange Opening, FIAT <-> CRYPTO operations, RLSP analysis, RIPA VM
  • CENTRALIZED crypto asset marketplace based on Peatio: everybody can download the code and install in their servers. Ripa Exchanges in the Ripa network won’t talk to each other in this phase.
  • Ripa Liquidity Service Provider technical analysis, implementation, deployment
  • 2020 — Hybrid-decentralized exchange
  • RLSP provider: Ripa Exchanges in the Ripa network will talk to each other with RLSP
  • 2021(Q2) — Fully decentralized
In summary, the RipaEx project is in good shape by embracing Shrewd Scaffold, CES and RLSP advances that together will have the capacity to give a liquidity stream that will be sure for both the trades of the system and the whole Crytocurrency Market.



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